Contoh Pidato Berbahasa Inggris dengan Tema Pemanasan Global

Contoh Pidato Berbahasa Inggris dengan Tema Pemanasan Global

Sebagai penutur bahasa Indonesia, banyak dari kita nan memerlukan contoh pidato nan berbahasa Inggris. Hal ini dipicu oleh semakin mengglobalnya karier dan pendidikan di Indonesia nan menuntut Anda buat mampu menyampaikan pesan dalam bahasa Inggris. Sementara itu, bagi banyak orang bahasa Inggris ialah bahasa asing nan tata bahasa dan gaya pidatonya tak dapat serta merta kita contoh.

Dalam situasi demikian, contoh pidato bahasa Inggris sangatlah berguna. Daripada mempelajari tata bahasa dan gaya pidato dalam waktu nan terbatas, lebih baik Anda mempelajari contoh pidato (yang kadang isinya ringkas dan pendek) dan menjadikannya pijakan dalam berkreasi mengembangkan pesan kita dalam pidato tersebut.

Contoh Pidato Berbahasa Inggris dengan Tema Narkoba

Berikut ini ialah bagian-bagian dalam contoh pidato tentang narkoba. Jika digabungkan, bagian-bagian ini akan membentuk suatu contoh pidato nan utuh. Bagian pembuka dalam contoh pidato tentang narkoba:

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

Let us be grateful of God Almighty's charisma, since His blessing allows us to be as in good physical shape as now so that we can meet here in this fine day.

In this occasion, I am interested in sharing my view of drugs mistreatment. I have faith in the fact that this is an important issue to be shared with people you love and you care of; and that is why I insist to force you to say no to drugs.

Bagian isi dalam contoh pidato tentang narkoba:

Drugs are one category of psychotropic medicine. Psychotropic medicine is used in medication area in the function as a tranquilizing in patients with depression and in the function as an analgesic for surgical treatment. Sorry to say, the functions of psychotropic medicine, or drugs, are misused by a number of young people. Some people use drugs as instantaneous stress and anxiety reliever. Some of them even believe that the use of illegal drugs is a part of these days' trend as well as lifestyle.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The use of illegal drugs leads to a lot of sufferers in life. Just the once you are addicted to illegal drugs, you start to mess up your own life as well as your future. Let us imagine that when a person who is addicted to drugs makes an effort to get a job. He will be certainly rejected because he cannot pass the medical tests as his blood as well as urine is full of chemical elements which he gets from the illegal drugs he consumes. Moreover, imagine if a lot of people, the youth in particular, of Indonesia are addicted to drugs. In the long run, it will have an effect on the nation's future. That is why it is crucial for us to campaign the refusal to illegal drugs addiction with the purpose of saving our beloved motherland.

Bagian epilog dalam contoh pidato tentang narkoba:

Ladies and gentlemen,

This is the end of my brief speech. In spite of its time taken, I do expect that my speech results in new thoughts in your mind as well as brighten up your point of view in the refusal to illegal drugs addiction. After some time, please pardon me if there are a number of words and judgment which get on your nerves. Thank you very much for your attention. Have a nice day.

Contoh Pidato Berbahasa Inggris dengan Tema Kemerdekaan Indonesia

Ini contoh pidato bertema kemerdekaan Indonesia. Bagian pembuka contoh pidato tentang kemerdekaan Indonesia:

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

In this Independence Day, let us be thankful to Allah, who permits me to stand here and get together with all of you in good physical shape. Also, may the serenity be with Prophet Muhammad saw., his relatives, as well as his friends.

Bagian isi contoh pidato tentang kemerdekaan Indonesia:

Ladies and gentlemen,

Sixty-seven years ago, on August 17th 1945, the youth generation of Indonesia publicly proclaimed the Indonesia's Declaration of Independence. The days after Independence Day were not trouble-free for them. The declaration marked the beginning of five years diplomatic as well as battling the guerillas of the Indonesian National Revolution, combating against the military of Netherlands until the latter officially acknowledged Indonesia's liberty in 1949. It is not an effortless task for them to build this nation as well as stabilize the circumstances at that time. There are a lot of aspects that should be considered by them at that time: economy, politics, culture, and so forth. That is why we ought to be thankful and grateful for their struggle in making a beautiful independent nation for us, their next generation.

Ladies and gentlemen,

As the result of their struggles and efforts, Indonesian people can now commemorate the Independence Day every August 17th. After conducting a flag ceremony in the sunrise, the people of Indonesia (exceptionally children) have loads of amusing activities to carry out all day long. There is some fun competitions related to the liberty of Indonesia that the children can join, such as heroic poetry reading competition. These simple competitions might seem mere as well as trivial, however in fact it is a good method in handing the spirit of independence to Indonesian children.

Bagian epilog contoh pidato tentang kemerdekaan Indonesia:

Ladies and gentlemen,

I do expect that the spirit of independence and nationality remain in the blood of Indonesian people. In that way we are able to value the heroes' efforts and then aspire to make Indonesia a better country for all.This is the end of my speech. Thank you for appreciating this short talk. I wish you have a wonderful independence day.

Contoh Pidato Berbahasa Inggris dengan Tema Pemanasan Global

Ini contoh pidato bertema pemanasan global. Bagian pembuka contoh pidato tentang pemanasan global:

The honorable Mr. ___ (nama pejabat, atasan, juri, atau siapa pun nan pantas dihormati). The honorable Mr. ___ (nama pejabat, atasan, juri, atau siapa pun nan pantas dihormati).

Ladies and gentlemen,

I am honored to stand in this podium in front of all of you. Before I start to share my speech, let us be grateful to God as He gives us the opportunity to gather here and celebrating as well as commemorating World Climate Day.

Bagian isi contoh pidato tentang pemanasan global:

There is slight hesitation that the earth is warming. Over the previous century, the world temperature has increased by more or less 1 degree Fahrenheit (0.6 degree Celsius). This is the warmest temperature since the mid 1800's.

The United Nations board on climate change sees into the future that the worldwide temperatures will increase 3 - 10 degrees Fahrenheit by the century's end. This temperature is sufficient to melt the Antarctic. If the ice in Polar melts down, an enormous number of countries boundaries will be below the surface. Monuments and huge constructions, as well as residences and lives will be sunken.

For that reason, it is important for us to realize that dunia warming can be delayed by ourselves. The question is, how can we save the planet? Actually there are simple ways in saving our green planet. All we need to do is reduce, reuse, and recycle. In that way we save the earth-made material. One more thing, be sure that Freon and any other dangerous chemical substances are not used or less used in the future. We can also consider using our bikes or just simply walking than driving emission-producing vehicles.

Bagian epilog contoh pidato tentang pemanasan global:

Let start the effort from ourselves. I do expect that my speech results in new thoughts in your mind as well as brighten up your point of view about dunia warming. After some time, please pardon me if there are a number of words and judgment which get on your nerves. Thank you very much for your attention. Have a nice day.